Macy and hippo
A picture book for children with type 1 diabetes
The Flemish author Marc De Bel is Hippo's honorary godfather. Marc, together with Mrs. Barbara Flamand, composed the reading and picture book "Macy and Hippo" for children with type 1 diabetes. The booklet is beautifully illustrated by Marieke van Ditshuizen. Macy is a girl with type 1 diabetes and she gets a cute cuddle, Hippo, who also has type 1 diabetes. One of the purposes of this book is that the children can take it to school so teachers can read from it. That way, their classmates will also better understand what diabetes means. It is also a perfect book for parents who want to learn more about diabetes. The more they know about it, the better they can deal with it. This booklet is donated to all Belgian children with type 1 diabetes with financial support from the pharmaceutical world (NovoNordisk) at diagnosis, but you can also purchase the Flemish or French version via our webshop.