Support us

Support the Hippo & Friends type 1 diabetes fund
Help us cure type 1 diabetes. Support us so that researchers have the opportunity to carry out outstanding research in complete academic freedom. We sell fun gadgets through the non-profit organisation Hippo and Friends, but you can also organise an event or action to support scientific research. You can also make a gift or donation to the Hippo & Friend type 1 diabetes fund. For all these actions, we are always looking for volunteers. We are happy to assist you during the organisation. We want to put type 1 diabetes in the spotlight at numerous events (e.g., benefit concerts, the Christmas market in Leuven, yearly science day for people with type 1 diabetes , school and company visits...) and the profits of these actions go towards scientific research.

Make a donation
A donation is the easiest way to support the fund. You can always make a free donation. Financial support for the Hippo & Friends type 1 diabetes fund is very welcome on the KULeuven account BE45 7340 1941 7789, BIC-code: KREDBEBB with as structured message +++400/0016/44389++. Your support goes entirely to the fund. KULeuven issues a tax certificate for donations of €40 and more. Hippo thanks you for your support!
You can also donate online:
You can also make a notarial donation. This is a more formal form of giving and can also relate to real estate. The main difference with a bank donation or a manual donation lies in the fact that the donation is recorded in a notarial deed. For more information, please contact KULeuven - Fundraising & Alumni Relations: tel. 016 32 41 44, e-mail
Become a volunteer
Help with the distribution of leaflets, flyers, posters, etc. is more than welcome. You can assist us during events. Contact the fund with your concrete offer of help or ask us where the need is greatest.
Partner with Hippo & Friends
Meet your organization's philanthropic goals by joining our battle against type 1 diabetes.
Not only will you help advance life-saving treatments, partnering with Hippo & Friends can also:
- Build your brand image;
- Enhance brand awareness;
- Drive customer loyalty;
- Differentiate yourself from competitors.
Numerous formulas are possible. In exchange for your sponsorship, compensation is offered, ranging from displaying the logo of your company/organization on the website of the Hippo & Friends type 1 diabetes fund to on-site branding on signage, jerseys and promotional material during local events.
Depending on the event you sponsor, you may benefit from:
- Acknowledgment on Hippo & Friends social media pages
- Mentions in new letters and other communications
- ...
A sponsorship agreement is drawn up between your company/organization and the KULeuven. The amount is paid after receipt of an invoice, drawn up by the KULeuven. Contact us or the KULeuven - Fundraising & Alumni Relations: tel. 016 32 41 44, e-mail
Have you heard of Trooper?
Remember the non-profit organisation Hippo and Friends next time you buy online. If you use this link to go to the webshop where you want to make your purchases, a commission on the payment (on average 3-5%) goes to our organization. You do not pay one euro more, it is the webshop that pays this commission.
Buy a gadget
We sell handy gadgets to support the non-profit organisation Hippo and Friends via our webshop. You can buy the miniature version of our cute Hippo cuddle as a key chain or the children's book 'Macy and Hippo' written by Flemish author Marc de Bel and beautifully illustrated by Marieke van Ditshuizen. We also have picture cards and sensor stickers based on "Macy and Hippo". They are beautiful art works! Please contact us.
Get involved
You can also support us at a (family) party or company event. You will receive a unique deposit reference, so you will know afterwards how much your initiative or appeal has raised. We would also like to refer you to our fundraising platform where you can start your OWN event, support an event or donate directly.
What can you do? Participate in the Antwerp 10 Miles & Marathon and get sponsored or cycle for charity; collect empty cartridges, sell cakes, waffles or lemonade; organise a garage sale ... Set up your own events to raise money or link the fund or the non-profit association to an event? We will gladly help you. Do not hesitate to contact us.
Include the Hippo & Friends type 1 diabetes fund in your will
Even after your death you can still make a difference for others. Honor a family member or friend living with type 1 diabetes with a life-changing gift. Your contribution has enormous impact and you are guaranteed that your estate will create added value to society. You can support the Hippo & Friends type 1 diabetes fund through a donation or a bequest in your will.
Imagine: you pass away without a will. There is only a distant heir - e.g., a cousin - resulting in a loss of 60 to 85% of your estate to inheritance tax. What a shame, to see your carefully established fortune vanish into thin air.
By including the Hippo & Friends type 1 diabetes fund in your will you enjoy a fiscally advantageous tarif. That allows you to invest the majority of your fortune in what you deem important. A bequest can exist of a sum of money or objects, equity instruments, art works, real estate... Hereby you strengthen new initiatives of our diabetes fund based on your personal interest.
Do you wish to bequeath your estate to the Hippo & Friends type 1 diabetes fund? Draw up a testament that describes the nature of your donation. We will consequently make sure - together with you, your loved ones and financial or legal advisor - that your legacy has the impact it deserves.
For more information, please contact the KULeuven - Fundraising & Alumni Relations: tel. 016 32 41 44, e-mail: A legal advisor will be happy to provide you with the necessary support in making a bequest to the Hippo & Friends type 1 diabetes fund.
Give via
If you don't want any presents for your birthday or other party, if you already have a complete wardrobe and if you don't want any useless gifts, you can give a gift voucher via which can be used to support the non-profit organisation Hippo and Friends. You can buy a Goodgift completely free by choosing a digital voucher but you can also opt for a Goodgift box. A fun and social gift for someone with a golden heart!